The 1st amendment says I’m allowed to post this.
Just to prove that freedom of speech is good, I regularly cause mass panics at large gatherings. I have watched mothers abandon their children trying to escape a building because they think there’s a terrorist inside and it’s like, yeah. Fuck terrorists, never forget. God bless America.
No one actually believes in freedom of speech, leftists are just honest about it. The bourgeoisie certainly don’t, their usage of the rhetoric is entirely cynical; the first law restricting anti-war speech in the US was passed only 9 years after the first amendment was written. Chuds think they believe in freedom of speech, but head on over to a chud forum, post something they don’t like, and watch how quickly you get banned.
In the US you are allowed to say whatever you want, provided it has no effect
saying shit like this will only come back to bite you in the ass. you’re not gonna be the one running the secret police lmao
It’s a good ideal, and saying you’re against freedom of speech because it’s “liberal” is pure dork shit
and anarchism
:chompsky: Free speech and also freedom to kill people for wearing glasses. :my-hero:
freedom to be a sheepdogging MIT professor forever while america crushes entire populations at home and abroad
Always cracks me up that the one foreign “socialist” project he supported was the fuckin Khmer Rouge. I don’t thing he’s literally a fed, but that one incident almost makes me consider it seriously lol.