The 1st amendment says I’m allowed to post this.
you should not have ‘freedom of speech’ to say anything, actually :yes-comm:
Glenn Greenwald and the AC:LIB: U have both defended literal neo-nazis on the grounds of free speech, to which I ask: What is one reason why society should allow nazis to spread nazi propaganda?
Usually the response is “but who will decide what is and isn’t nazi propaganda?” to which I would answer: me. I get to decide.
Seriously though, this question arises from the contradiction of anglos knowing that their government is the best of all possible governments combined with the objective reality that their governments are dogshit. The result is they believe a government acting in the interests of its people is simply an impossibility.
insert marx quote about guns
It becomes a problem when your entire society or image is based around it. Or when there are so many school shootings they aren’t even in the news anymore. Or when the arms manufacturers keep producing them to sell to citizens and use that is a justification to sell more equipment and guns to the police.
No no I didn’t mean to make it sound like you were making an anti gun comment. I agree with you about the 2a. You’re saying the same things I say to people.
Or when your society has highly criminogenic levels of wealth inequality, alienates people so badly that some of them just snap, is propped up by an ideology with all the semiotics of fascism (including the “gun = penis” part) and tries to keep all of that under control by waging a low-scale war on its own populace.
In other words, having conditions that don’t turn people into murderers is a fairly huge part of gun safety.
they aren’t even in the news anymore.
If the media stopped salivating over them and stopped dropping everything else to do live coverage as they stick cameras and mics in victims’ faces, that would be a good thing.
You’re right. But at what point does not reporting on them seem as though they are “hiding” them for lack of a better term? They are still happening of course.
They literally can’t keep the mask on for more than a half day. Sad!
I am once again regretfully saying that we have libs :amogus: .
Everyone is a liberal except for me
I don’t agree with what you say, but I’ll fight to the death for your right to say it.