Holy shit what a cesspool this sub is, I guess just helps prove how absurdly radicalized and gross reddit can make anything
Problem: people cannot easily afford to have children.
Solutions available: sterilize the poor, welfare.
I’d ask “Which way, western man?”, but we all know it’s always eugenics with these types.
yeah they had already picked sterilise the poor before you finished listing things
[Parents] should not have any mental health problems that could impact their children yadda yadda.
Considering everyone is depressed and alienated under capitalism this excludes just about everyone from being “allowed” to have children
most stable medical student
Majority of med students are rich sociopaths. To afford medical school, you have to come from a wealthy family. Usually to get into medical school, the kids have been groomed their whole lives for the entrance exam. Expensive prep schools, SAT prep for the undergrad, prep for the MCAT, private tutors, the whole nine.
Even a kid of remarkable talent that came from hard circumstances and managed to get into school without all that would not be able to afford school and there’s no time to work while you’re in med school, so you have to have a wealthy family support you as you dedicate 100% of your time to studying.
As a result, the doctors that come out of this are usually heartless and see the poor as a curiosity or as something to look down upon.
Most people do it for the prestige and money - compassionate doctors are far and few inbetween in the USA. Cue the eugenics. This post does not surprise me in the slightest
They say this like most people don’t just neglect their kids anyway. Gee, I wonder why the abuse affluent and mostly white people commit doesn’t occur to this person as wrong when compared to the one the poors do.
It’s stuff like this where I get why some people end up hating or distrusting healthcare workers. The poor muslim woman who has a large family and needs healthcare is a Karen? The woman who said people need to be allowed to reproduce freely is a Karen? The woman who was beaten and needed you to help her is a Karen? Fucking hell, hope he flunks out.