Can’t be bothered to find the tweet among the countless hornyposts this weeb does so find it yourself if you dare
getting your geo political analysis from the seminal piece ‘Fallout 3’
99% certain the US started that war, too.
Right after annexing/genociding the Canadians.
We wouldn’t put up any resistance to annexation. America could do it whenever they feel like.
The scene from the opening of Fallout where they execute a Canadian dissident on the news, only the Canadian waves to the camera too
It’s so funny how libs think Xi has legions of shock troops on standby just waiting for the order to invade the entire world like some kind of Bond villain.
Yeah it’s totally weird to hope… I mean imagine that Xi has legions of shock troops on standby .
Internet dweller since the 50 kb/s era . Anime & Videogames. Lewd posts 24/7. Against Censorship and Taxation . Fiction is supposed to be unrealistic!
50 kb/s
Yeah I remember maxing out at like 16kb/s actual download speed. A flash game took half an hour to load. A 500-700mb movie/game took at least a day or so to download.
It’s terrifying how many rural areas are still limited to that and how quickly the data consumption gulf grows between them and urbanites. An ISP I worked for in 2018 had towers in rural Illinois that were still running hardware/software from 1995. There wasn’t even a visual interface for them and they were providing internet for hundreds of people without other options. Some like 10 miles outside of a city.
Fiction is supposed to be unrealistic!
What is their opinion on POC in medieval fantasy story, I do wonder?
Lewd posts 24/7. Against Censorship and Taxation .
Wonder how old the people he’s making lewd posts about are. :libertarian-approaching:
Come on, don’t assume like that. 17 is way too old for your average libertarian. It’s actually 24 divided by 7. :ancap-good:
tell me you get your geopolitics from videogames without telling me:
As much as I love it, I will go back in time and prevent them from making Fallout
For the sake of the children
Just prevent Bethesda from buying the rights and we’ll be spared a generation+ of people who need the :gamer-gulag: treatment.
This is horrible! Why should Alaska hog all the PLA soldiers? I demand Xi to invade the Bay Area at once!
It’s not fair that the great Satan gets all the PLA love for itself. Please Xi, invade Europe too!