I don’t get why fascists are so obsessed with this “hur hur no poet in commune go mine coal” meme when literally every AES states in existence supports arts and cultures, like even DPRK under its extreme embargo are still willing to fund public performers.
And of course, under capitalism there’s no room for (non mass-marketable) arts either: The corporation have no room for poets, go stock shelves.
Also, wh40k fan :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:
what gets me here is that this is fanart :zizek-fuck:
ze fascist wants to be ze man tell you to dig ze fucking hole :zizek-preference:
but zis is because he already has zis job in polite society schniff making ze grubhub driver drive his meals, and so on :zizek-joy:
pure ideology :zizek:
It’s an extension of the right-wing assumption that the only people who could be communists in The Land of Opportunity :amerikkka: are spoiled, sheltered, suburban failkids with liberal arts degrees who “just want everything for free” because they have “unrealistic expectations” about life from getting too many participation trophies
It’s simpler than that - they hate you, they want to see you suffer, and they think it’s funny and cool when bad things happen to you.
It’s the right-wing trying to square the circle in their head of how there seems to be separate types of communists, but they don’t care enough to look into the historical basis for any of that. They’re trying to understand how there could possibly be Soviet style communists who had ICBMs and this image of weak, university educated soy eating blue hair people. Rather than admit both of these images are stereotypes they invented in their heads, the conclusion they’ve reached is if the soy types believe in communism hard enough, the scary Soviets will materialize already armed with AKs.
Why are they confusing Communism with Capitalism? Under Capitalism, you’re pretty much forced by the market to do what that damned thing wishes… as everything is commodified. For example, want to study History (like me)? Tough luck, prepare for a life of shitty salaries as the market has no need for historians. Want cash? Study some mindless shit like “Marketing”…
Under Capitalism, your dreams are actually crushed by the system, it’s not a fantasy, it’s reality.
The same reason they think reddit is a communist website. The type of person who creates and consumes this meme is the type of person who thinks liberal, communist, anarchist, democrat, antifa, etc. etc. are all interchangeable.
Actually, the person who made this meme might know the difference but they’ll play ignorant in the name of fascist propaganda.
Actually this makes sense, the reactionary redditor is making his 10,000th epically transphobic attack helicopter joke and the comrade is sick of his bullshit.
10/10 secretly good
Communism is when drawing, singing, and writing anything unrelated to work is banned
We’ll be put to work in the acid mines during the day and then the salt mines at night
Christmastime, we’ll all get shifts in the sugar mine
Lmaooo but that would mean the farmers might enjoy their days and have something to look forward to! 😰