Roughly 30 teens referred to Rush University Medical Center in the past year displayed a range of involuntary actions, from jerking arm movements to curse words to head and neck twitches. Self-injurious behavior was common, according to some doctors, with many patients displaying bruises and abrasions resulting from their tics. Caroline Olvera, a movement-disorders fellow, noticed that numerous teens were saying the word “beans,” often in a British accent. Even patients who didn’t speak English were saying it. Some patients mentioned they had seen TikTok videos of others with tics.
:blocky-wat: :bean-think:
Found it from :trueanon:
Mass psychogenic illnesses seem quite popular these days
Just like last time this happened when the woot dis falling apart around you and your dear and stress are too much this shit happens.
There’s a lot of famous events of mass hysteria. They usually happen in and during traumatic times of transition or instability in the area it happens. Like the dancing plague happened during a severe famine in Europe and the Tanganyika laughter epidemic happened just after they received independence.
It’s free and it doesn’t hurt anyone, which is more than you can say for most afterschool activities.
didn’t 30 kids have to go to hospital and then presumably have the most embarrassing story ever told by their parents 20 years from now
I’m too high for this and am crying laughing