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only 1.6 percent of Americans celebrate Kwanzaa so let me tell you why it’s a dangerous holiday that will destroy white western civilization by cutting into Santa’s profit margins
White people are vampires, obviously.
Does anybody want to tell her the modern version of Christmas is just as “fake” as Kwanza? Christmas has deeper roots into Pagan and Christian faiths, but the hyper consumerist shit is just manufactured. The entire supply line fuckup is discussed surrounding people not being able to buy Christmas gifts like the good consumers they are and that this is an affront to the American style of life or whatever. Christmas may have additional meanings in Christianity, but the publicly practiced version is a giant holiday celebrating capitalism, it’s why year after year the time they start setting out christmas shit gets earlier. Saw Christmas based goods at my grocery store late september/early october this year. It’s viewed as this one time in the year where the economy gets really strong because for one time out of the year people all over are buying consumer goods where most times people use that money for actual important shit. When a single holiday functions as a key economic function to keep things barely running, there’s something wrong. Why don’t white people bitch about that kind of fake holiday and instead bitch about some people celebrating a different holiday.
As a Black™, this makes me want to start celebrating Kwanzaa.
Well well well, look who’s doing cancel culture now.