It’s interesting how people will defend porky’s freedom to add toxic chemicals in almost everything because “if you don’t like it, just myob and choose another product.” but will spread lies that the vaccine will make you explode because…freedumz? I seriously believe that there’s something more insidious to this that porky benefits from other than just idiots that want to do whatever they want without giving a shit who gets hurt in the process.
An it’s not even like growing your own food is a solution (aside from the logistics) because this shit is in the water supply
At least I saved two bucks ordering off the infertility menu
Fertility is the last thing I want, make my balls as barren as possible Mr Ronald McDonald sir
make my balls as barren as possible Mr Ronald McDonald sir
MR.MCDONALD! I want my balls to be as plasticy and hollow as the balls in your bouncy ball play pit!
The thing is even if you don’t want kids, fertility is a marker for a lot of other health issues.
You should get one of those scrotal hot tubs
EDIT: Found it