All the food is poison. Except vegan food, that’s safe.
Lmao. Tomato farming is some of the most gruesome working conditions I can think of off the top of my head. They’ll crop dust the fields with pesticides while the migrant laborers are still out in the fields, causing massive cancer rates. You could say animal abuse is rampant in all industrial ag if you want to be one of those pedants who clarified that humans are animals too
They’ll crop dust the fields with pesticides while the migrant laborers are still out in the fields, causing massive cancer rates.
In short, a strong belief that ethical consumption will lead to ethical practices is not warranted – purchasing as voting is a weak feedback mechanism at best and there are other actors who are able to influence the system. The danger, however, comes in believing that this mechanism can make substantial political change. Ethical consumption gives the individual the illusion of contributing to progress; of “doing their part” by making purchasing decisions. This illusion can detract, and probably has detracted, from trying to put forward an avowedly political agenda that seeks to mobilise people collectively to make the changes they support. Instead, it individualises ethics, it individualises politics and it reaffirms us as consumers rather than citizens – it is a part of the profit-maximising, pathologically-externalising neoliberal market system that has caused many of the problems ethical consumerism seeks to alleviate, rather than being an alternative.
vegan marxists don’t buy animal products because they don’t want to consume animal products, not because they think that their ‘wallet vote’ will tank animal agriculture as a capitalist industry.
This. Ugh this whole thread is really disappointing me (beyond the content of the OP itself). Everyone here fucking knows there’s no ethical consumpution under capitalism. No shit! So the above quote, while not wrong just comes off as a long winded excuse for refusing to recognize there is a spectrum with varying degrees of how unethical a given service or product is. But hey, everyone wants their treats and it’s easier not to have to think about the fact that some treats result from vastly more suffering than others, so just go with whatever tastes best then, right?
I know this site has already done the vegan struggle session multiple times, but I can’t not be irked by how badly otherwise self-reflective leftists here are behaving like what I’d typically expect from :reddit-logo:
All the burritos? Just the beef ones right, my beans aren’t poisoned?
it says items with meat had higher levels of the plastic chemicals but not that it was only the meat
It’s interesting how people will defend porky’s freedom to add toxic chemicals in almost everything because “if you don’t like it, just myob and choose another product.” but will spread lies that the vaccine will make you explode because…freedumz? I seriously believe that there’s something more insidious to this that porky benefits from other than just idiots that want to do whatever they want without giving a shit who gets hurt in the process.
Cool… I’ve been waiting my entire life for birth control for those equipped with penises, never thought TacoBell would have been the one to make the breakthrough though.
Why do you think taco bell won the fast food wars and replaced hospitals and shit