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Worst trick the libs ever played played: making it a moral imperative to never hate ever. All hate is bad, can’t hate your boss, can’t hate war criminals, can’t hate anyone who deserves it because to them hate is hate no matter who it’s directed towards. They aren’t capable of seeing the difference between despising the rich and being a nazi, there is absolutely no difference to them because it’s the emotion itself that they feel is wrong. This is why they are milquetoast fence sitting losers all the way through, the concept of having an existential enemy is anathema.
It is intensely funny that the “drone almost destroys US infrastructure” post was closely followed by the “how to build a DIY drone” post
Pack the Supreme Court with 20 year old Maoists
College kid I work with who is just learning the rest of the world exists really isn’t picking up that I am not anti communist. She kept talking about Eastern bloc ‘totalitarian’ nations. I asked her to stop using the term because it’s loaded and can apply to literally any government. Surprised Pikachu face occured and then she just kept doing it.