I’m very smart.
So how much rice can you grow on one of these things? Like do people actually work the land and eat what they grow, or do they like, lease it to farmers in return for some of the profit?
Less than a quarter of an American football field in length. So you could hunt and farm and have the majority of your staple food ingredients be from your land. But a slim majority. You’d still be going to the market regularly
You can shoot the deer on your neighbor’s land and then just go get it because communism means that’s also your land
Rice yields vary wildly around the world but Vietnam averages about 6 tonnes per hectare, so you can probably get 300kg of rice from 500m2 of land. So not enough to really live on, although if they are in a very productive region that amount could be doubled.
According to the thread, one of her aunts in the village works the land becuase she moved to the city and she dosen’t get any kind of rent from her aunt.
It’s always funny to me when someone is says things like “the family is connected to the party in power” or similar. Like what you don’t think people with connections should have anything? Ok fine Implement such a policy in any western country.
Sorry you’re dad was friends with a state senator who was a member of the party in power. You may no longer own any land.
Sorta the same vibes as calling police in non western countries “state security forces” and every government that doesn’t kneel a “regime”
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
I’m very smart.
No they’re fucking not. They have NFT right in their display name lmao
He used to have a Marx meme avatar. He’s now doing a bit to cover how hard he’s getting owned.
It’s twitch streamer destiny. He was banned from Twitter years ago and remakes constantly with a new ironic look.
Is it really? I don’t know anything about him other than he seems to be one of the dumbest people online.
“NFT Gamer”? Is this a joke/bit?