yay now you have to watch the whole video to tell if it’s a scam/troll/shitty tutorial, at least capeshit movie trailers won’t be downvoted anymore
Hexbear out here inventing shit and then YouTube tries to pass this off as NOT stealing honey from mama Hexbear. It makes me mad. We’re the ones on the cutting edge, and comrades, only the revolution will free us of this revisionism.
Fuck, that sucks. I remember when Youtube used to show you the number of stars a video had in the thumbnail back when they had stars. You didn’t even have to click on a video to know it was bad and not worth your time.
Now we’re all gonna have to sit through clickbait, scams, screamers, just generally bad videos every single time.
There is so much useful information on Youtube that it’s basically impossible. You can stop watching Youtube for entertainment, sure. But it’d be terrible to give up all of the tutorial videos, educational videos, technical videos, etc. For that there is basically no replacement.
Embrace hexbear thought :hexbear-retro:
Numbers are bad. Get rid of all counting systems
Numbers (and writing) were likely invented to keep track of tax collection in ancient societies, likely by scribes at the time. Literally a bourgeois invention to keep down the proletariat.
thinking about that earliest known bit of writing that’s like some guy complaining about the quality of a copper shipment or something
This but unironically. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/john-zerzan-number-its-origin-and-evolution
tough shit for anyone looking for tutorials, i guess :sadness: google is a disaster when it comes to consistent design