Best friends with American Jesus, the super tall white guy with long hair.
Inca? White. Africans? White. Chinese Dynasty? White.
All societies have been white. POC were made up in 2016 to fool you.
why are crackers this ignorant? they probably heard this from some chud youtuber and just believe it at face value, repeat it ad nauseam, and never investigate further
I’ve tried to explain to my lib friends that psuedo history isn’t “harmless fun” like they say it is, but they just can’t see the very direct connection between “Europeans are a superior race who come from Atlantis” and nazi shit. I wish I lived in that nice little bubble they do, where the ills of the world don’t directly affect them and get to be just another spectacle. Caring about things is exhausting.
Listen, here me out, everyone in anime is white, right? So that means white people have Naruto powers.
Abrahamic Jehovah: red/brown colored skin (like a jasper and a sardine stone), glowing red-hot like heated iron, ‘wooly’ white hair
whites: this is literally me
God (besides Jesus, subsequently) gets a physical description in the Bible?
in some versions i guess, for example in revelations 4:3 ‘And he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald.’ according to
refuses to allow genetic testing of early emperors
shows a picture of a fucking taklamakan mummy. mmmm yes so prehistoric China had a claim in modern Xinjiang then? genetic testing is just elevated phrenology anyway, all it actually tells you is what groups/modern people are related to a particular corpse, or group of corpses. it can help identify some movements of people but provides zero insight into the culture or language or social status of the people. there is no white people gene, we don’t actually know how mummies looked or skulls looked in life.
also there aren’t any verified early emperor burials what the fuck are they talking about. the ban was on all kinds of archaeological corpses because westoids kept fucking stealing samples to do phrenology with
but like the second one has to be bait what self-respecting white supremacist wouldn’t say something like the coliseum and just claim it’s more impressive than the pyramids???
Genghis Khan? White.
Xerxes? White.
Jesus? White
Mohammed? White.
Sargon of Akkad? White.
The entire population of Australopithecus? Believe it or not, white.
Sargon of Akkad? White.
I mean there’s some Anglo Island dipshit using his name so, two Pinocchios for this line.
Genghis Khan? White
23 minutes of hardcore debunking on that claim (which i know was a bit but it’s cool historiography)
literally finding it funny that ghengis khan looks pretty much exactly what wed expect him to look like based off what we can observe of typical modern mongolian men but you have to actually convince some shitass white dudes that this obvious thing is true and real
Like anyone even seriously proposing that theory today? Those are PDX forum morons just take the Secret History telling us he was a redhead and then go straight for their “everyone was a Tocharian” usual nonsense.
racists always be. but i really like that guy, mans so good. a video that could’ve been 30 seconds of “no” is a detailed study of all available sources extremely proving the obvious beyond any shadow of doubt. i appreciate.
tocharians are a real bullshit thing named after a pretty discrete area in the tarim basin but some 19th century euro guy who associated them with references to tokharistan (several hundred kms south and over a mountain range) has stuck in the nomenclature without any academic support for it