Guy has Basic Economics in his favorite books :bruh:
system that has caused millions of deaths and huge suffering
Mao oversaw the largest life expectancy increase in recorded history
I was just looking at these stats for Tibet, where during the Dalai Lamas rule the life expectancy was like 36 or something, and after Chinese intervention it was up at 65 within 40 years.
Fuck this dipshit. First, what the fuck is a disloyal weapon?
Anyhow, dum-dum only wants to read arguments as long as they exist within the context of “free market good.” God, forbid Graeber (rightfully) points out capitalism is and has been rife with inefficiencies, undesirable (yet predictable) outcomes, and frankly a lot of bullshit.
The mental hoops fuckheads like this have to jump through in order to come away from reading Bullshit Jobs and conclude the book is wrong vice taking a hard look at capitalism and thinking, “hm, maybe this system isn’t working so hot” - it’s just beyond me.
Oh god, remember that study that got presented by news media as “debunking” Bullshit Jobs? They did it after he died so he couldn’t fucking clown on them the same way he clowned on people criticziing Debt without actually having read Debt (for whatever reason there’s some really dogshit reviews of Debt and watching Graber just cut loose and be a poster is a fucking delight, scroll down to the comments he’s fucking gettin’ in there). Just completely ignoring his definition of a bullshit job (not the fault of the study itself, as it predates Graeber’s essays) and just assuming that “I believe my job provides value to the company” means anything at all like “I believe my job is socially necessary and useful.” But they say shit like “oh but his book’s still useful because it’s important that workers feel valued” and try to recuperate it as some mindfulness and HR bullshit, as though the fundamental issue is that companies aren’t communicating that they appreciate their employees enough.
“Disloyal weapon” implies that while Graeber’s rhetoric is effective, it’s ultimately what hurts his argument. Reads to me like “you don’t know what you’re really asking for”
this David Graeber guy is breaking international book rules by showing how communism is cool and good
He’s absolutely an anarchist and openly identified as such. And he very much criticized Marxist assumptions about the nature of capitalism and the progression of the modes of production throughout history. Which is probably why people called him a lib, because that’s what leftists call other leftists they disagree with.
Is he even a communist
i highly recommend his of flying cars and the declining rate of profit essay, it’s probably one of my favorites