Ridley Scott Blames The Last Duel Bombing on Millennials - The Hollywood Reporter
“I think what it boils down to — what we’ve got today [are] the audiences who were brought up on these fucking cellphones. The millennian [sic] do not ever want to be taught anything unless you’re told it on a cellphone,” Scott said.
This is why I havn’t made anything worth watching for 16 years, its those damn phones! Before phones, people could sit and watch my 4 hour cut of Kingdom of Heaven, after phones they’re out here complaining that Prometheus is confusing and doesn’t make sense!
man can’t string two sentences together wtf
He’s not responsible. The millennian is in his head fucking up his synapses.
“This is a broad stroke, but I think we’re dealing with it right now with Facebook,” Scott added. “This is a misdirection that has happened where it’s given the wrong kind of confidence to this latest generation, I think.”
That’s literally your fucking generation you idiet!
Old man yells at clouds.