I’ll start: it wasn’t too long ago that one wasn’t expected to pay out of one’s coked up nose for programs (apps). One used to be able to buy a thing and then own the thing. Vacuum cleaners. Video games. Photoshops. Now one has to sign up for it, enter one’s credit card info and fucking pay monthly for some harebrained “service.”
And I blame all of you. Probably 9/10ths of you are on apple products and/or are locked into absolutely insane digital ecosystems and you all laid down and took it. All of you fucking libs. You took it, you normalized it, and fuck all of you.
And I blame all of you.
Blaming the inevitable outcome of capitalism on the common people being stupid is a very Louis CK thing to do.
I have a total of zero subscriptions and pirate everything, not because of any moral reason, but because I’m broke lol
even if i had money i’d still pirate, if i want to watch a movie i want to click a file and watch it not have to check each different subscription service and then watch it in low bitrate 1080p
I don’t have good enough internet to not pirate haha, I can’t stream shit here. Also, fuck corporations. If it was as easy to steal all the shit I need from corporations as it is to pirate, I would never buy again.
I occasionally buy indie games tho cuz: 1) they’re indie; 2) they’re often not on the pirate scene; 3) they’re often on sale for like a dollar haha
The internet was better 15 years ago. The way the handful of sites that still exist compete for users’ full time and attention is extremely harmful to the users’ brains. We’re all rats in skinner boxes waiting for that dopamine hit from the little computer in our pockets.
That’s just nostalgia doing your brain a fuck. It wasn’t better 15 years ago, especially because smart phones allowed millions of people of color to actually get online. I think we’re way better off now, and the internet actually, y’know, loads.
Nah. 15 years ago was 2005, right before social media really took off, during the height of places like newgrounds. There were individual forums or IRC channels for any niche interest you could possibly want - things were a lot more federated. Corporations weren’t viciously after every single crumb of metadata about you. Things weren’t nearly as ad-driven. Now pretty much all the content on the web is on reddit, twitter, facebook, instagram, and maybe tumblr. It was easy to glue together a geocities page or cobble together some spaghetti php and have your own little corner of the internet.
It’s good that more people are able to get online, of course. But the quality of the internet itself has been completely rotted by capitalism.
This is what I mean by nostalgia doing your head a fuck, because Friendster and Myspace were already huge in 2005. And let me tell you, adtech was already very much keeping track of your shit and cobbling together your interests. While it’s true that Facebook has made that easier, there was already a massive infrastructure in place to get your eyeballs on ads at every step of the way. Remember at this time that the internet was still being driven by AOL, although it was already past its apex at this point, and it would provide a model for content engagement that’s survived through today.
I yearn for the days of shitty angelfire/geo cities web sites with gifs and animated borders and frames and sliding backgrounds. Seriously.
Every aspect of our existence is now transient. Home - rented, job - gig/freelance, food, entertainment, fucking toilet paper - everything is a subscription. Our atomised lives are bought, sold, and lived in weekly or monthly allotments. We have no roots, no belongings, no ownership. The means of production? We no longer even own the products.
It’s extremely post-modern, I must say.
Lol, there are subscription toilet paper services now, I was just including it in the rant
Bidets aren’t replacements for tp, it’s just an extra cleaning step after you’ve wiped
My popular opinion: it’s depressing how men are taught their bodies are gross and undesirable in popular media, because bodies are beautiful. I think it’s why so many men lapse into apathy and don’t take care of themselves.
There was an episode of Seinfeld about how men’s bodies are ugly while women’s bodies are beautiful and it just made me really ill. I know what they were trying to do to be funny, but it was still so unfair.
Although to be fair Jerry Seinfeld probably has a gross as hell body and he SHOULD be ashamed of it and himself in general.