Love to get early retirement for murdering a little girl because she told me I couldn’t shoot her puppy.
The girl lived with no major injuries. The bullet hit her above the eye and apparently there was only a risk of blindness, which was averted.
But yeah that man was centimeters away from murdering a little girl in front of her entire family because he desperately wanted to kill a dog. Also in front of its family.
How anyone can look at that and think it was not psychopathic behavior is beyond me.
:acab: :do-not-do-this:
I wish all cops a very “please die”
You know what you do if a 35-pound miniature English bull terrier runs at you barking? You go “oh whoa there he’s feisty isn’t he?”
Best way to handle a suicide call is to go in guns blazing, obviously. Can’t kill yourself if we kill you first. :think-about-it:
Surpsised they haven’t considered charging the suicidal man for reckless endangerment of the girl. Recently in NY a man was charged (and found guilty) of causing the death of an officer who died because of friendly fire.