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That is just a chaser and a transphobe sub. It doesn’t look like any actual trans people are in that sub. The users in it are just crossposting women they’re fetischizing.
“transmaxxing” is not a real thing. At best it is a trans person with internalized transphobia. Resource on imposter syndrome and Autogynephilia:
Thanks to the trans comrade who posted this on the site a couple of weeks ago, great site.
@Wammawink - please consider this a warning for your account. If a new account had posted this it would have immediately been banned.
I’ll be honest and say that I essentially never read these reddit posts that get linked here and simply read people’s comments and takes here, because I think this shit gives you brain damage, and I don’t want to get brain damage from anything that isn’t at least gonna get me high.
Lol reddit’s gone full twitter with the dark patterns jfc
Pretty normal stuff honestly