I’m totally devistated. I just got home today.
Love you comrade. Here offering what solidarity and support I can, I wish it amounted to much but I’m rooting for you
Quill it’s good to see you. I never got to hit you up on discord. But thanks
Shit man I remember seeing a comment from you having some difficulty with your mom. I had just lost mine and wanted to tell you to not let it get to you and to cherish your moments. But I was too grief stricken then to even bother. Now I regret not telling you. I can atleast tell you this. It does get easier but I still break down from time to time.
I don’t even think I’ve actually started grieving yet, it will come I know it.
:Care-Comrade: :cat-trans:
I’m really sorry, sweatie. Take care of yourself.
Hooooly shit. I’m so so so sorry to hear that. How you holding up? Fucking hell. :sadness-abysmal:
I’m just kind of numb tbh. The house is a disaster. There’s piss everywhere from mom from when she was dying. I have no groceries either. My dad is pretty happy all things considered because now I’m totally in his hands. He wants me to get a job asap. We haven’t even cremated mom yet. She was so sick and bad that an open casket funeral was out of the question. None of my family is picking up their phones either.
I have my meds and smokes, that’s about it right now. Not really too sure where to start with anything.
Fuck dude, I don’t know what to say. I guess if you need help with money stuff ask c/mutual_aid, people here will for sure help out.
I mean, take as much time as you need but like… get groceries if you can, don’t forget to eat n shit.
Yeah I can ask on here for more help again in the future for something like a pizza.