Does Congress have the guts and courage to finally take on the greed of the billionaires and large corporations?
Oh my fuckin God Bernie it’s not about guts and courage. Going after the rich is against their self interests. This is like people who say that Bush was emotional and made a mistake starting the war like it wasn’t intentional bloodlust and greed on his part.
Bernie’s messaging is always this softie plea for reasonableness. It was inspiring a decade ago, when “Standing up to George Bush” was something that looked like it took genuine courage and might come at some cost.
But post-Trump, it’s just like… yeah. Everyone can stand up and wave a little sign and say “I believe in stuff!” And then… do nothing. Everyone gets to sound like Bernie Sanders, because there’s no cost. There’s no impetus to act. There’s no risk of failure. There’s no alternative. The rich are unassailable and the politicians are unaccountable and the economy will always be fine because we can just flush another trillion dollar bailout through the system.
Bernie isn’t a militant. And that leaves all these pronouncements sounds hollow. It’s just, like, ok - so what? If they don’t show courage then we… do what? Nobody seems ballsy enough to say what comes next. It’s just another season of Vote For My Team This Time.
Yeah, good, ok.
Reading those replies. Hoo boy Twitter is a cursed website.