:what-the-hell: :sadness-abysmal:
When everyone in the comments is defending women in the military but no one is talking about the throne of Chinese skulls :oh-shit:
I was gonna make a joke about how libs would respond like “no no no we can have a woman sit on a throne of dead Chinese skulls too, we want to kill the celestial as much as you do” but nope the libs beat me to it.
At least the fascist on Tucker fucking admits to being a fascist murderer
Mao might have been on to something with his Anti-Rightist campaign
Americans try to do their chinese throne shit and get bodied lmao
Didn’t they lose horribly to a very overtly PRC-coded force in the last round of wargames?
Sir, These Colors Don’t Run. There are men in Ohio who will never surrender. There are men in Arizona who will die rather than live under ChiCom tyranny.
A lot of these people also literally do not run. I feel like that does limit you a little bit, regardless of your shooting skills. I don’t know. I know nothing about military tactics.
Emerging from a sandbag bunker on my weaponized mobility scooter technical while firing blindly into a crowd and shouting, “get some! Get some!” as I defend the Applebee’s