I mean she’s been dead for a month right?
Honestly can we not? I think the funniest possible outcome of this is just pretending she’s still alive forever, forming some kind of weird phudoreligious conception
I have already placed my bet that they do a Tito for at least a couple years while they torture convince Charles into abdicating.
There is no way the monarchy holds on under Charlie
Oh my god, that would be so fucking amazing…! They officially declare her dead, but people refuse to believe it! Like reversed Q, people digging up her grave to prove she’s still alive.
People with shitposting superpowers should do this. I’m sure uk has plenty of obnoxious boomers who deserve to get gunned down by british ss for breaking into the palace.
She is 1000% dead and when it gets announced in February I’m gonna rub it in my lib institutionalist brother-in-law’s face who rolled his eyes at me when I said this last month. Fuck you Chris.
don’t open til xmas
honestly, I didn’t really believe it a few weeks ago when everyone was saying she was dead, but now I am kind of starting to.