Hillary Clinton should return to the woods and never come back
“Look, I’m all about having vigorous debate. … But at the end of the day, it means nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive.”
Notably sane, sober, stable and productive… checks notes… Joe Biden
Quint Forgey
Sleve McDichael
FUCK YEAH BABY LETS DO 2016 AGAIN HILLARY VS TRUMP ROUND 2 the odds are even worse against hillary this time
This basically describes San Francisco.
She’s running. Clinton v Trump rematch. :big-cool:
Nobody likes progressive ideas like higher pay, guaranteed healthcare, or preventing ecological collapse of the entire world, so we won’t do them and won’t run on them!
If it’s Clinton v Trump again, I would seriously consider voting for Trump, both out of spite, and as a vote for accelerationism.
The biggest negative would be potentially making comrades think there are even more chuds out there than there are, which would be depressing.
I mean, I do think the left is the strongest it’s been in the United States in 70 years. Trump is definitely a contributing factor to that. The left isn’t nearly strong enough right now, but doesn’t the increase in genuine leftists suggest a silver-lining type benefit to an accelerationist candidate?