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Dude, SRA is rolling up new members like fucking Katamari, what are you talking about? Literally the main thing holding my chapter back is the onboarding team isn’t big enough to handle all the new recruits.
I’mma be real, this post reads like it was written by someone who is not on the ground organizing, and projecting their own alienation.
My region’s PSL, SRA, and police abolition org have all been booming with membership, to the point that we are primarily training people to abroad more people.
I get you acknowledged that in the post, but what you are describing is already happening. Go apply to any local org immediately.
Damn cuts deep but I am glad to hear it. Admittedly I was in a pretty shitty mood when I wrote the original post but I like posting on here because I can get too caught up in my own thoughts. As for organizing though I did some stuff with my local BLM org during the protests in my city earlier this year which was actually very motivating but I should be more active though no doubt.
hot take but like right wing militias in the us are probably like really ineffective. They basically only know how to shoot people who aren’t a threat and are made up of mostly either old people or like actual children who took shitposting on 4chan too far. Police and military? should probably be afraid of them yeah, but like i truly believe most leftists who are up to snuff on gun stuff could probably beat right wingers 9/10 times
The reason why they are in militias is because they don’t play well with others, and can’t handle more than 15-20 people before their micro-ethnostates succumbs to infighting.
Say what you will about the left and our infighting tendencies, if you can take anything away from charlottesville and the following collapse of the “alt-right” it’s that larping racist gun-nuts brought up believing that they are john wayne don’t tend to get shit done when they have to share space with all the other john waynes. They can’t all be the lone hero, and machismo and ego really fucks them over.
All the posturing and boogaloo shit, and it’s young brainwashed kids who ends up with blood on their hands, while the militias are busy digging more bunkers.
I agree, most of those militia boys are insane larpers but I still think they’re super dangerous. On their own they probably couldn’t do much but a domestic gladio type situation would be very bad.
Edit: Also I think far right-wing militias can get away with being more “unorganized” because they’re only going to commit terrorist acts anyway and are not really trying to build a “real movement” or anything. Just a few cells of crafty and smart militiamen could cause a disproportionate amount of damage even if most of them are losers.
Yeah their whole thing is preserving their privilege, so organization isn’t that important. They just need to kill a few people and they’ve done what they want to do. Literally every far right project with a “constructive” vision devolves into infighting that makes leftist infighting look like kumbaya camp, often literally murdering each other.
It seems like they’re trying really hard to show up as a bloc now because they see masses of left wingers working together. Fighting them will have to be multi-faceted. We will need to show up unified and armed and ready to shoot back but also we are going to need comrades to do the difficult and dangerous work of infiltration and subversion. These people are paranoid as fuck and all think they’re a rugged individual cowboy. Getting them to mistrust each other and turn on each other is probably one of the best methods of defanging them.
Lots of coping in the thread I see. Spain should have already been a warning, but even recently in Ukraine most of the militias were just football hooligans, former army guys, or street thugs and they all successfully coalesced into organized organizations.
Like they even found me since I had a record in my youth for explosives and they had people in the police helping them so they could ask me if I wanted to help.
I’m like a mix between John Wick and Christian Bale’s character from Equilibrium so I should be able to make up for our collective combat deficit.
I keep trying to get this message out to folks. Start physically training for unconventional warfare, even if only with a few comrades is better than none. Stay in shape. Learn the basics. Just reading about fucking guerilla warfare isn’t a substitution
I agree but thankfully it seems like there are quite a few people out there taking initiative. I’d also bet a lot of other comrades are seeing and thinking the same thing.