The Tiananmen square massacre is not a hoax. However, it’s nothing out of the ordinary - tragic, but not uncommon. The Xinjiang thing is obviously made up tho
>gen Z
(Chinese youth voice) “generational theory is inherently fascistic, dogbrain”
Mention the 228 Incident or the white terror to any of these fact warriors and behold their blank, uncomprehending stare
Those awful red commie tankies ran tanks through Tiananmen and ground the protesters up under their treads.
Also they were stopped on the way there by one dude on a grocery run.
Deng sent Megan Thee Stalin after him, after she took him to the Super Ultra Secret (SUS) Gulag (referenced here) where Cupcakke (who is a MSS agent) smacked his ass like a drum
The kids are all right