Europe is a peninsula sticking out of a larger continent surrounded by water on 3 sides and by mountains on the 4th side. Italy is a peninsula sticking out of a larger continent surrounded by water on 3 sides and by mountains on the 4th side. So why is Europe a continent but Italy is not? Same with Spain.
Europe? More like West-Asia.
Wales is a continent.
like if south america and north america are technically the same continent there is no excuse for europe the one thing they got for them would be russia which is like half in asia so it is too small
If Italy is a containt, so is Puglia.
Puglia is a peninsula sticking out of the larger continent of Italy, surrounded by water on 3 sides and by mountains on the 4th side.
So why is Italy a continent but Puglia is not? Same with Galacia (kinda).
michigan is a continent