Inject this right into my eyeballs! Let my flesh die so I might live on as a pure flame.
Gen-X libs are genuinely the most deranged people. Like they took all their angst and psychic pain caused by Liberalism(Capitalism) and just internalized, built an altar to their pain, and now they worship it. Like “yes god of the market you fucked me dirty now piss on me more! PISS ON ME!”
locked replies + being smug in your own replies
Extremely based, the Democratic party is the largest anti-fascist group in the US
Same party that literally rounded up Japanese people and put them in internment camps recently enough that there are still people who lived through it
ummm anti-fascism is when you fund raise off of not being Trump sweetie :maybe-later-kiddo:
Anti-fascism is raising the budgets of the most well funded fascist organs of the US govenment while gutting public sector unions sweaty cus teachers unions are full of fascists. Unironically, I had a Lib in a church group tell me that they didnt support wildcat teacher strikes because they dont trust unions to look out for the general welfare, but they place all their hopes in powerful leaders like Obama to make things better and change the world. We really need to take away peoples right to vote when they hit like 45 and let 12 year olds vote in the socialist future, I trust the young infinitely more than I trust the old.
Ah yes, the DNC propped up friend of trans people everywhere, Kamala Harris. I wonder what happens when I put in her name with ‘trans women’ in Google…