Inject this right into my eyeballs! Let my flesh die so I might live on as a pure flame.
trans flag + not a leftist
one of the weirdest kinds of people
how do any of us fall for liberal bullshit?
LGBTQ people who are accomodationists are some of the most obnoxious and disgusting people.
Gotta love the inherent contradiction of understanding that racism is an environmental toxin that all people are exposed to and yet still engaging in the essentialist rhetoric of “you are a racist”. It’s a wonderful example of being so determined to be wrong that you completely misunderstand your own position.
Yes, white supremacy is an endemic environmental toxin in the United States. Not only are all white trans people exposed to it, all Americans are exposed to it. But that makes the “YoUr a WhItE SuPrEmAcIsT” argument even weaker. White supremacy and racism are not essential traits. They are behaviors, systems, and autonomous processes more than they are a codified ideology. The social reproduction of racism, not people who are the symptoms of that social reproduction, is what must be targeted. How you can draw any other conclusion is baffling.
Well, no, it isn’t baffling. It’s just liberal. You just have to fundamentally believe that if you just tell the lie enough, it eventually becomes true.
Ah yes, the DNC propped up friend of trans people everywhere, Kamala Harris. I wonder what happens when I put in her name with ‘trans women’ in Google…
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