What about the seal troops who now drowned at sea?
This is so disrespectful and I’m here for it because they died for us to speak freely and live life fully.
Not enough white ones
Corgi, I’m a former troop… 😢
Awww you’re sweet! ❤️
Unironicly, fuck the troops. I’m glad I survived, but I would have deserved whatever happened to me over there. Just a shame that death and destruction isn’t visited on the merchants of war and presidents first.
I’m glad you’re here and don’t want my shitposting to upset anyone. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
This is all I would need to comfortably call a vet my comrade. Ultimately you fight the good fight now
LMFAO 😂 FUCK YES! Once in a while I mess with people who blindly worship me because of it too.
I say I’m a “former marine”, and old chuds like to say “once a marine always a marine, semper fi hoo-ha” and shit like that. I tell them I renounce that title because I don’t associate with genocidal terror groups. If they get pissy about my irl shit talk, I tell them if they don’t like it they can get out of my country, because I “fought for it”. It’s fun watching their heads spin.