hey google explain why africa is poor but only with racism
Why is it so hard for people to understand that people everywhere would prefer not to be poor
They talk about these issues as if Africans are without the will to improve these conditions
Edit: should say “economists” not people
Economics always side steps these issues. Oh, you see, it is the Dutch curse, resource rich countries are always doomed to become reliant on volatile commodities, no I will not elaborate, no, I don’t know anything about CIA intervention, IMF debt traps or colonial legacy. This is what no historical materialism does to a motherfucker.
Property rights are insecure and very inefficiently organized, markets do not function well, states are weak and political systems [do] not provide public goods.
In other words, African nations are poor today because African nations are poor today
“Doctor, why do I have a cold?”
“You have a cold because your nose is runny, you have a sore throat, and you’re coughing”
Africa isn’t poor because it’s underdeveloped, it’s poor because it’s over exploited