I actually just found this article PDF published in Foreign Affairs of all places back in 2014 that largely agrees with this.
There’s one from last week that argues Putin is going for stopping NATO expansion: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russia-fsu/2021-12-28/what-putin-really-wants-ukraine
Maybe Russia should just apply to join NATO. Wouldn’t that fix everything?
Its got some 11D chess energy to it. Like, what does NATO even do if two member states go to war?
How has this been published in the spectator?
Europe isn’t nearly as enamored of the idea of hosting a war for the US as the US is.
The US absolutely spends most it’s time putting out fires they themselves caused but i wouldn’t give them the credit that they started the fires on purpose
I think you’re giving the US natsec state a lot more credit than they deserve. Always important to remember that these people are morons who get where they are by believing what they’re told to believe. Not that I don’t enjoy the image of the US as the traveling petrol salesman.
Yeah, it’s one of those ideas that is much less appetizing when it’s in your front yard as opposed to in someone else’s front yard 2000 miles away
That and the US has been completely obvious about how thirsty it is for this conflict, and the last time the US security state got really thirsty for war, it went quite poorly.