Like, hear me out, Libs have always sucked but I remember in High School I was friends with a lot of self IDed capital L liberals, and while they had plenty of :brainworms: of their own, they were generally at least fairly anti-war, not anti-imperialist mind you but generally on the dove-ish side of the spectrum. Several of them attended anti-Iraq war protests and whatnot.
Now suddenly it seems like everyone to the right of Marxist-Leninism is a bloodthirsty hawk. Idk if that’s just social media astroturfing by lanyard types, polling stats seem to suggest the base of the Dem party is less interventionist than the party itself. But, idk, it’s weird how this demographic went from being, at the very least, skeptical of US foreign policy, now all of the sudden wants to nuke Moscow.
War-making is part of the bread-and-butter of U.S. exceptionalism. If you really, really, really make working-class people think about what it means and whether they’d prefer to engage in it, they’ll usually decide not to. But it usually takes some serious personal challenge and/or radical perspective to break out of the casual consent to waltzing across the globe bombing brown people for the sake of “democracy” and “order” and “combating drugs/terrorism”. Most people just “prefer not to think about it” (and, as we all know, neutrality favors the oppressor and the status quo).
libs love pushing for war so a few months later they can break out their hippie gear and pretend to want peace