I’m in the prime of my youth, and that’s basically my whole dating history. Not to sound like an incel but being alone and constantly rejected fucking hurts, it just sucks so much.
I guess you could say I’m still so young or whatever but that’s even worse because like I’m supposed to be dating and having sex and having fun at this age lmao. And soon enough I’m going to reach a point where my lack of experience is going to be unattractive, I’m definitely looking forward to that.
I just want love. :doomjak: Not to get too “we live in a society” but maybe this world/society isn’t meant for love and lovers. In which case I’d rather not exist here anymore.
also this isn’t really a direct response but i think it’s worth examining how the mental specter of the “incel” has been totally corrosive to the social well-being of a lot of internet users; mostly young men but young women too who become afraid of themselves and of their own loneliness because they’re convinced that if they ever express any need for human connection people will treat them like the next Elliot Rodger.
A lack of experience becomes unattractive at like age 27/28, with 26 being the “pushing it” limit.
why does this shit have to be done within an extremely limited window of time fuck this reality lnao
i mean im pretty screwed, compared to most people in my area I’m like, not attractive in any way shape or form, nearing 30, live with my parents, and pretty much never grew out of extreme shyness and act like a middle schooler despite being nearly 30
I try to have some hope but I think back to when I was 22 or 24 and was like “oh shit this years the year!” and well
its just like I don’t even know what to do, i have no social circle and theres like no where to really meet people in the city without being super outgoing and I’m so weird and timid I basically can’t connect with people in any traditional way
oh well I’m 31 and gone on 0 dates. you may kill me now.
Fuck, are you me? im 31 as well and in the same boat. Even when women have been openly attracted to me I duck away and ignore it because im so socially akward. Plenty of times i couldve made something and I didnt take it up. OP you have plenty of time and you’re fine man. don’t be me though if a woman (or any person) you find attractive approaches you, try to make something of it.
Id like to thank my brain for me being alone with books and video games.
20 is pretty damn young. I’m 26, almost 27, and 20 feels like a million years ago.
It does suck to feel alone and rejected. Funnily enough, it helps to hang out with other lonely rejects, in my experience. The more time you spend socializing with people who you have stuff in common with, the more likely it is that you develop some kind of relationship with someone. Some of my longest lasting friendships/relationships have come out of working at shit jobs and hanging out with the other dregs of society. Smoking weed together in the car on break turns into late night drives to the dispensary together turns into etc etc.
Mid-30s with 0 and after a while you just become numb to it. :shrug-outta-hecks: