I’m in the prime of my youth, and that’s basically my whole dating history. Not to sound like an incel but being alone and constantly rejected fucking hurts, it just sucks so much.
I guess you could say I’m still so young or whatever but that’s even worse because like I’m supposed to be dating and having sex and having fun at this age lmao. And soon enough I’m going to reach a point where my lack of experience is going to be unattractive, I’m definitely looking forward to that.
I just want love. :doomjak: Not to get too “we live in a society” but maybe this world/society isn’t meant for love and lovers. In which case I’d rather not exist here anymore.
being alone and constantly rejected
Look, that’s only going to be the case until it isn’t if you keep at it. If you don’t, then you’re alone forever. Dating and romance suck for a lot of people, but it’s not a game about winning - it’s a game about persistence. You’ll learn about yourself and the people you date, and then your relationships can get better.
oh well I’m 31 and gone on 0 dates. you may kill me now.
Fuck, are you me? im 31 as well and in the same boat. Even when women have been openly attracted to me I duck away and ignore it because im so socially akward. Plenty of times i couldve made something and I didnt take it up. OP you have plenty of time and you’re fine man. don’t be me though if a woman (or any person) you find attractive approaches you, try to make something of it.
Id like to thank my brain for me being alone with books and video games.
I’m getting near 40 and I’ve been on maybe 8 or 10 dates, and I’ve only had two girlfriends and none of that was until after I was 21 so you’re already doing better than me. I feel you but also what others have said, you’re not as much of an outlier as you might think and it gets better, especially as you get older.
Also you are young. I work with lots of kids your age and I still think of them as just that, kids. Not in an infantilizing way or anything, just a matter of perspective, your best years are likely still to come so don’t despair just yet.
You might also give this a watch I only watched the first 20 minutes or so but it seems like good wholesome advice from our favorite left unity couple.
Mid-30s with 0 and after a while you just become numb to it. :shrug-outta-hecks: