Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist peepeepoopoo Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist Putin is a right-wing capitalist
but have you considered Putin and Lenin have the same first name and Russia = Soviet Union?
Putin represents the interests of his local bourgeoisie, which are reliant of the local exploitation of natural resources and industrial production. EU and the US represent the interests of the international bougeoisie which relies on financialization, free markets, and free flowing capital. This war is a good example of how the capitalist powers do indeed compete with each other, they compete with the each other for the right to exploit.
Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist Putin is a left-wing communist
Preaching to the fucking choir. No offense, but this is a bad post. Everyone here knows that.
It is preaching to the choir. [I would hope so]. But that doesn’t make it a bad post. Like 90% of the posts here preach to the choir. Or maybe you were joking, which is possible because i am pretty dumb.
Honestly I wasn’t really joking. I wish this site was a little less silly and a little more serious. Copy pasting “popular opinion” just seems like spam, at least to me.
I could certainly be a minority in this, but I wish we had more serious posting and less… whatever this is.
Maybe I just haven’t set my subscriptions right, but lately when I go to this site it’s like 90% noise.
Edit: Sorry if I’m messing with the vibe, but I don’t have anyone to talk to about anything. People talk about whats going on, but I can’t have any real discussion with them. Nobody really actually seems to be interested in why everything is happening.
I don’t even check this site much, but I had hoped to see something here I guess. Instead it’s just a bunch of jokes, which I suppose is fine. It is what it is.
Maybe I’m not subscribed to the right communities?
There’s a lot of silliness here, but there is also a hell of a lot of serious discussion. I love this place for what I feel is a great mix of the two. As for people not being interested in why things are happening, I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. There has been significant discussion about the reasons behind the current events, some of it very deep imo. A lot of the discussion of what’s happening now is in the megathread for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which does move fast and isn’t conducive to a lot of back and forth. But I’ve seen more talk about the reasoning behind what is going on here than any sub on r*ddit or whatever. This particular post isn’t intended to be some deep dive into history or theory, it’s someone understandably blowing off steam because of the bullshit “why” reasoning that is going on so many other places. If you want some deep analysis, then post, start a thread asking for some. I know there are many comrades here who would be happy to expound on all of this. But it’s a little weird to come into a post that is obviously not meant to be some Great Essay, again, just a post blowing off steam expecting something else. There’s plenty of room here for serious discussion as well as shitposts. Like, do you expect a site with a long history of :PIGPOOPBALLS: to be 100% serious?
edit to add, I know what you mean about not having anyone else to talk to about this. I don’t have anyone to talk to about it either. Not in my irl life anyway. But you can talk to people about it here. Post. Ask about what you want to know or say what you want to say about the situation. Hell even post about how you don’t think there is enough serious discussion on the site. But don’t expect every shitpost or people just fucking around having fun to be the deep, serious discussion that you are looking for.
Today a fearful boomer told me that Putin is “trying to bring the USSR back by assembling all the former states in a Soviet domination plot” (exact quote)
Terminal brainworm infestation.
To blow this boomers mind, tell him about Yeltsin, then how Putin got into power, and almost joined NATO
It’d would be too much psychic damage, he’d never recover.
Tbh he’s a super nice guy, I’ve literally never heard him talk about politics at all before,ever. Since I don’t watch cable news, I assume what he’s saying is likely coming almost verbatim from that seeing as how this Russia-Ukraine stuff is being drummed up rn