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about their obsession with newspapers. Just look at the effectiveness of the war propaganda around you. That sort of power could be ours if you’d only subscribe to your local socialist newspaper, just think
The real value in the monopolization of media is rooted in the monopolization part. Ten different outlets all speaking the same synchronized talking points creates the illusion of consensus.
By contrast, a dozen independent Trotsky weeklies spitting whatever their acting editors feel is The Most Important Thing do not create any kind of uniform consensus even within the leftist community. You just get these bifrications and struggle sessions between the three guys who think Russia is based, the two guys who are on Team Ukraine, the eight other guys who think we should still be focusing on Climate Change, and the one guy who mostly just puts out reappropriated memes aimed at Joe Brandon.
Hot take: all “tankie” denominations irl are exactly the same way people on the internet say Trotskyists are. In my uni they were Maoists and exactly like this
That’s why r/CTH was banned by the CIA, it was too good at leftist propaganda
Yes the Trotskyist were right about spreading their perspective. The problem with trot papers is not fact that it is a paper, the problem is what is written on that paper: boring Trotskyist rants that nobody wants to read.
A big part of news media, as Chomsky and Parenti and others like Neil Postman have written, is that the most successful news sources are focused on making things exciting and entertaining. If you fill your alternative news source with extremely dry socialist theory then very few people will pay attention. But if you make a silly comedy podcast from a leftist perspective then you can become so popular that you top the charts on Patreon and have a popular Reddit that is (initially) about your podcast, but then it gets banned but the fans liked the community so much that they created a new web forum that has however many thousands of members it is on here now.
What is Trotskyism?