If you have any useful resource links please tag me in a comment with the link.
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Please add to this if you can.
Time/Map: https://time.is/Ukraine
Leftist discussion threads:
Twitter military updaters:
Global South Perspective: https://nitter.net/kiranopal_/status/1498723206496145413
Better war/propaganda analysis:
News updates:
Live: https://www.cgtn.com/special/Live-update-Ukraine-Russia-border-crisis.html
YT/Video in Ukraine:
Thank you.
Previous megathreads:
Also another thing I’ve noticed, western media is trying to portray this as a huge failure for the Russian military because they haven’t simply walked into Ukraine. It took the US 3-weeks to defeat the Iraqi army and they invaded with 300,000 troops. Russia only has 30-40k troops right now. Iraq is 2/3 the size of Ukraine and far less densely populated. Ukraine also has the largest army in Europe and is fully supported with both arms and intelligence from every European state and the US. Also, compare the loss of civilian life in the first few days of Russia’s attack vs the Americans’ bloodthirsty bombing of Baghdad at the start of the war. The US showed absolutely zero concern for Iraqi civilians, and it still took them 3 weeks to defeat an army starved after a decade of sanctions with no allies or weaponry or support from anyone. Think of how barbaric you have to be to make the Russian army look civilized and restrained by comparison.
Excellent take I found from reddit
Yep, Ukraine is a big place, and the Russians are (or at least were) advancing 30km/day. That means, for example, it’ll take a week or two to get from the eastern border to the river even if you faced no opposition. Screw “is Russia doing well or not”, Putin physically could not have won by now without teleportation magic or a bombing campaign of the same magnitude as Vietnam
Exactly, even taking yknow, yknow, actual fighting out of the mix entirely, armies move slower than your sedan cause it’s several vehicles and people moving in strategic unison so they don’t get killed. And the overall goal doesn’t seem to be to drop napalm on people until they abandon communism so Vietnam shit doesn’t really help your goals. Wars can be fought to force a surrender, not to permanently brutalize a nation. You can accept Japan’s conditional surrender and not bomb Hiroshima for example.
I just learned Zelenskyy is in the Pandora Papers. This guy is going to 100% fall from grace
I mean be kinda oversaw the rise of Nazism for years and did nothing, either because he doesn’t care or cowardice that the Nazis would kill him. And said Ukraine must join NATO and get nuclear weapons a week before the invasion. And then gave everyone guns, including civilians and prisoners. As well as preventing every Ukrainian male between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country.
That stuff predates him. He wasn’t president until 2019. He didn’t dismantle it, obviously, but he didn’t oversee its rise.
From the new YouGov poll:
Which of the following do you think best describes Russia?
Communist: 42% Socialist: 13% Capitalist: 11% Something else: 17% Not sure: 17%
Western education for ya
Seeing tweets about how epic based Ukranians are tying up people in public and labeling them as “looters” and everyone is just going fucking wild about how good they think this is.
Telling someone that Azov are state sponsored nazis requires 20 citations, is still untrue because Zelensky is Jewish and the nazis lost the election, and even if its true you cant care about it because that benefits Putin, yet random vigilante justice requires no fucking evidence at all that the victims arent just literally random innocents, all because its the epic Ukranians doing it.
dude it’s so depressing being non white in the USA and realizing just how DEEP white supremacy is ingrained into the whole fabric of Western™ society
I think something a lot of people who are from outside the USA or live in whiter parts of the country miss that is also extremely depressing: this place colonizes minorities that are born here. Like, I’m hoping the topic of the African and Indian refugees in Ukraine doesn’t pop up on the news (it won’t) because I know my family is going to say something extremely racist.
I used to not think race was a big deal but as I’ve grown older and interacted with more people I realize how much being non white disadvantages you and I almost felt like I was crazy because of how racism is less overt these days but no bruh a huge amount of people in this country white or nonwhite are racist/white supremacist as fuck
Disagree, the independent variable is “are we allied with them,” not “are they white.” Just refer back to demonization of “The Hun” in WWI, baying for Russian (white in America) blood, “This film is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan” against the (white) USSR, etc. Of course we’re not going to root for Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and other countries we and our allies are bombing.
A propaganda system will consistently portray people abused in enemy states as worthy victims, whereas those treated with equal or greater severity by its own government or clients will be unworthy. The evidence of worth may be read from the extent and character of attention and indignation. We will show in this chapter that the U.S. mass media’s practical definitions of worth are political in the extreme and fit well the expectations of a propaganda model. While this differential treatment occurs on a large scale, the media, intellectuals, and public are able to remain unconscious of the fact and maintain a high moral and self-righteous tone. This is evidence of an extremely effective propaganda system.
- Manufacturing Consent