wake up babe, its time for your new slop
The Walt Disney Corporation™ presents: Star Wars™ Obi-Wan™ Kenobi™
Christ new star wars is soulless shite
It feels like Disney is still scared just like Lucasfilm was to really explore that universe and tell some stories about people and things removed from the big galactic wars. Like from what I’ve seen even the mandalorian still keeps treading the same waters. They had a blank slate to work with but nope we gotta put the force back in there, obi wan, luke, han, a dude that looks like boba fett, baby yoda, etc.
Me this morning: Oh cool the Obi Wan trailer dropped! It’s light on details but looks kinda hype, also EWAN BAYBEEEEE!
Me reading this thread: well I guess I’ll go fuck myself then :what-the-hell:
I do seriously hope it doesn’t suck though, I’d never forgive Disney for making a truly bad Obi-Wan show
Fr I wish we got a six hour “Obi Wan wanders the desert and contemplates life” series where there’s no action, just some conversation and long shots of sand, but alas we’re condemned to more shiny slop with a million lightsabers popping off on an “irrelevant backwater.”
I would absolutely prefer a small, quiet Obi Wan series, but this looks better than I expected.
Which means it will be dogshit, lmao, did ya’ll see the book of boba fett? holy fuck was that bad.
It looks way too big. Why are we off world? Who the fuck are these red lightsaber folks running around? Anybody heard of the Rule of Two?!
Thankfully I have not—Rise of Skywalker killed my interest in this universe so completely that I doubt I’ll ever come back.
My guess is that Obi Wan stays on the move, or decides to start moving, because he doesn’t want to draw Imperials to Luke’s location. Then when the hunt for Jedi dies down he can retire to Tatooine without having to worry about it.
Also those guys are literally the Spanish Imperial Inquisition.
Obi Wan wanders the desert and contemplates life” series where there’s no action, just some conversation and long shots of sand,
This is also what I wanted. Coulda been great.
Me, circa 2009: “Man an Obi-Wan spin-off show would be kinda neat”
Monkey’s paw: curls
I’ve always had the theory that Obi Wan was out trying to stop the empire and Luke actually just ran into a nutcase hermit named Old Ben. Same with Yoda, he never went to live in a swamp. Also turning into a blue ghost isn’t a Jewish thing. The real Obi-Wan meets Luke later and they’re both really confused but glad it worked out anyway
Why would that be a Jewish thing? I thought the Jedi were Space Buddhists.