She should have :virgil-sad: on, I heard he had his free speech removed due to cancel culture.
She’s gone all in on monetizing drama. Really sucks to see. There was some potential there.
I’d monetize drama for six/seven figures.
Could pay off my student loans.
Libs gonna lib.
what if we had our own socialist big tent and it was big enough to hold all the democrats too
As socialists we need to be smart and do stuff that Democrats would never do, like reach across the aisle and give Republicans anything they ask for.
Kind of why I don’t listen to brie or people adjacent to her anymore. I get tired of anti-idpol rhetoric coming from that sect.
Makes me feel weird thinking that Michael Brooks would have probably been in that general orbit if he was still around. He talked about cancel culture a lot and that always felt off to me
I came to college eager to debate.
I went there hoping to get a better job than my parents had and to drink a lot like a normal person.
FR I went to college because I was told if I didn’t I’d die poor and alone
Not that a semester and a half of college courses did anything to change that