I am more worried about some dedicated reddit, or 4chan user getting angry than the feds. I’m weird with this because when I write posts I wait 2 minutes, and think how would feds interpret my posts, and is it worth posting that.
I will most likely make a mistake with my anonymity one day, but to have alts increase anonymity wouldn’t you have to be good at changing your writing style?
Creating new alts helps you avoid the crazy reddit/4chan people most of all. It’s questionable if it works with Feds tbh, doubt it hurts though.
There is no such thing as perfect anonymity, but it is a small and simple step which makes it harder to build a profile of you. If you slip up, the amount of informstion that can be gleaned is more limited.
You don’t really have to be good at changing your writing style to avoid stylometric techniques.
Just do not reveal your family crest or whatever