I am more worried about some dedicated reddit, or 4chan user getting angry than the feds. I’m weird with this because when I write posts I wait 2 minutes, and think how would feds interpret my posts, and is it worth posting that.
I will most likely make a mistake with my anonymity one day, but to have alts increase anonymity wouldn’t you have to be good at changing your writing style?
It does seem a little like kayfabe, like the feds monitoring this thread know exactly who we are and where we live right? Like does it really matter for them if you change your handle?
I can maybe see it for getting doxxed by some chud, but I rarely see anyone even mention their job or the city they live in much less actual identifying info, feels pretty unlikely to me :shrug-outta-hecks:
My understanding is this kind of opsec is basically entirely to avoid random 4chan/kiwifarm psychos. You’re right that the feds can 100 percent find out who you are easily if they want to if they don’t already know. Don’t have a firm opinion on how likely it is for the former group to actually try to fuck with you though, (blessedly) don’t have direct experience there.
I keep a log of conspicuous topics or phrases from the way I speak. If I tell the same anecdote twice from different alts, I make a note to not do it again. But yes, insisting on not reusing usernames and on not camping on an alt for too long helps. It makes tracking individuals over time itself a matter of pretty intense pattern recognition that’s prone to error, which is inherently more of a barrier than just clicking on a single profile.
Kiwifarms themselves lists reusing usernames as the most common way to find doxx. Their opsec guides are filled with privacy tips which double as instructions for how to violate the privacy of others and they’ve been honed by people who make cyberstalking their life’s work. There’s a lot of institutional knowledge there (as well as a lot of intentionally casual racism)
Do you know if /leftypol/ is more privacy friendly? With everyone being anonymous and chan culture encouraging people to talk similarly, it sounds good on paper.
Kiwifarms themselves lists reusing usernames as the most common way to find doxx. Their opsec guides are filled with privacy tips
where can I find the kiwifarms doxxing guide?
Visit at your own risk. At least use a VPN. CW bigotry
Deleting comments early and often, switching accounts, attempting to avoid linguistic analysis [gOOdd llUCk}, revealing fake details about yourself, not linking shit you find here to your discord friends while simultaneously leaving a comment. Sounds like way too much hassle.
in the future, possibly in our lifetimes, computers will be be able to match writing samples to authors with relative accuracy for not a lot of money.
You do realize computers can already do that, right?
See: stylometry
There was an article on the orange site a while back where someone managed to link throwaway alts to people’s main accounts using this technique.
You don’t really have to be good at changing your writing style to avoid stylometric techniques.