The quote is from an ambulance chaser site…
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), an American’s lifetime odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 107 as of 2019.
Driving is the most dangerous thing that I regularly do.
this is why i look left and right when a red light goes green. cause people are fuckin stupid.
Smart. I’ve done the same since back in the day I almost got hammered by a women driving and texting. I got saved by the traffic camera. When the car ran the red light the camera flashed. I looked to my right and there was a Prius doing like 45 coming right at me.
Day after Thanksgiving I saw a women get killed walking through a crosswalk in a quiet, residential neighborhood. The stop sign is almost impossible to see being right behind a giant oak tree that residents have fought to keep the city from cutting down.
I’ve come close quite a few times both as passenger and pedestrian fuck cars.
I probably would have guessed 1 in ~400.
It might drop to that once you turn like 26. A lot of these deaths are the result of deciding that it’s a good year to give 17 year old boys a 2 ton death machine. They’re generally needlessly dangerous and it’s preferable we use trains and busses where the risk is reduced both generally and by stricter requirements for operators. But the lifetime risk is exaggerated because we’ve built society around requiring that people who don’t have full appreciation of their own mortality have access to cars.