The quote is from an ambulance chaser site…
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), an American’s lifetime odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 107 as of 2019.
I’ve come close quite a few times both as passenger and pedestrian fuck cars.
Driving is the most dangerous thing that I regularly do.
this is why i look left and right when a red light goes green. cause people are fuckin stupid.
Smart. I’ve done the same since back in the day I almost got hammered by a women driving and texting. I got saved by the traffic camera. When the car ran the red light the camera flashed. I looked to my right and there was a Prius doing like 45 coming right at me.
Day after Thanksgiving I saw a women get killed walking through a crosswalk in a quiet, residential neighborhood. The stop sign is almost impossible to see being right behind a giant oak tree that residents have fought to keep the city from cutting down.
Fuck cars, long live trains!