I am thinking of the mindset of wanting to hook up with as many people as possible not taking into consideration other people ‘s feelings or who might get hurt in by the process, which objectifies other individuals. That is an individualistic thought process, right?
Edit: I meant commodification in the sense of online dating apps, escort services, only fans, porn, prostitution and patriarchy. This trickles to the culture due to base and superstructure, and it is adopted by individualism.
It’s more closely related to atomization than individualism.
Pre-1950’s America was still very individualistic but they also had third spaces and more close knit communities. Without meaningful connection, those who are able to hookup achieve a facsimile of intimacy. Those who aren’t able to get that turn to escort services, onlyfans, and patriarchy etc etc. This compounds the problem until society breaks down.
Of course people do have casual sex for just fun just as they did throughout history. But the major shift towards that isn’t because people changed their minds suddenly.
The separating of humans into individual elements, or atoms, such that they’re disconnected from each other.
Basically, breaking the social bonds that once held human society together. A community is very strong, a group of individuals with no connection to each other is weak. What union-busting does to the workplace, atomization does to society at large. Individualism is tangential but not quite the same. Individualism is a sort of ideology that things should be this way. They should be self-reliant and depend on themselves etc etc. Atomization is the state being unable to form meaningful social relationships due to isolation.
Of course people do have casual sex for just fun just as they did throughout history. But the major shift towards that isn’t because people changed their minds suddenly.
What do you attribute the major shift towards hook-up culture?
Based on what you are saying the culprit seems to be capitalist’s culture of alienation and the privatization of everything including hanging out spaces, which have very expensive prices to do anything communal. The way I see it, social media is just the last thing people can do for free that involves other people. I wouldn’t say that social media is to blame, but capitalism is to blame.
I think calling it objectification is an insult to people who have actually been objectivified and commidified, slaves and other bonded labourers, and that objectification theory is a less robust retelling of the ages old looking-glass self concept. I don’t pay the concept much mind
Why do you feel like hooking up means not taking into consideration other people’s feelings or who might get hurt in the process?
Every time I’ve hooked up there was either a spoken or implicitly obvious unspoken understanding of the situation, e.g. the other person was in an open relationship
The mindset to hook up with as many people as possible just for the sake of bodycount could/would be toxic, but that’s rarely the situation, people just enjoy casual sex
The problems begin where communication ends (or expectations outgrow the communication, but that’s on the expectee)
The act of hooking up reduces other people to sex objects to satisfy’s one needs. One is not trying to make a connection with other humans by hooking up or trying to make a community by hooking up. One is only trying to get rid of sexual urges and seeing other individuals as a medium for that. As another comment mentioned that is atomization and individualistic.
Off topic perhaps, but I keep thinking about culture and what the word even means to me, and i keep coming back with the thought that excepting perhaps being bathed in a pervasive, ever-twisting amorphous master-slave morality, as a mayo-american i… Don’t even have a culture. Did it die before i was born? If it existed what even was it?
Does anyone have a book or paper talking about what I’m feeling? I really don’t know what i’d do a search for
I can relate to that. I’m from the US too, and I just don’t get it. I don’t feel like I’m part of the culture - any of the things here. If there’s a culture here, it’s something I don’t belong to or don’t want to belong to.
There are plenty of cultures in the US, but if you aren’t born and raised in them, they just kinda exist as far as being part of one.
That’s cause the US has no culture other than stealing from others and white supremacy. Happens when you base your entire existence off settler colonialism, you have no culture but colonialism.
You really, really cannot throw together dating apps and hook-ups with pornography and prostitution. These are not the same thing.
There’s something to be said about atomization of society and others have already kind of said it here with regards to the modern hook-up culture via apps. I think there’s something to be said about the dehumanization inherent in swiping through a gallery of people’s pictures and picking one out to fuck for the weekend like some other object. It resembles strongly the shopping experience so I suppose I can see something to discuss there, it reduces intimacy in a way to just another form of browsing appearances, labels, and marketing of self (like the shopping aisle it’s so busy and so full of options one is incentivized not to spend more than a few seconds, a minute at most on any particular offering before moving on to the one beside it) and this situation is created by the lack of societal bonds and interaction outside of work and school. In a way with pornography culture there’s perhaps an intersection there towards the attitudes but I don’t feel confident enough to talk about it. As to prostitution and pornography, those are of course without a doubt commodification of the female body and form and cannot exist under communism.
As to prostitution and pornography, those are of course without a doubt commodification of the female body and form and cannot exist under communism.
I file this jointly under:
- There will be demand for this for the foreseeable future, so it’s a choice between a black market or some option above board.
- There are 50 more immediate things to address so there’s no need for a struggle session over this right now.
As to prostitution and pornography, those are of course without a doubt commodification of the female body and form and cannot exist under communism.
Not sure I agree with the pornography part, depending on how you’re defining pornography. That might be the case for paid pornography but I bet even under communism there will be people wanting to show themselves in sexual acts, and perhaps even more so than now as losing their jobs because people saw them online and things like that wouldn’t be a problem, unless it was outright made illegal of course.
Also with extra freedoms under communism more and bigger and more inclusive communities about these things could come to exist, perhaps even involving money but not to “pay for people” but to produce content that people want to produce/consume.