I am thinking of the mindset of wanting to hook up with as many people as possible not taking into consideration other people ‘s feelings or who might get hurt in by the process, which objectifies other individuals. That is an individualistic thought process, right?
Edit: I meant commodification in the sense of online dating apps, escort services, only fans, porn, prostitution and patriarchy. This trickles to the culture due to base and superstructure, and it is adopted by individualism.
I don’t see how hooking up with other people would mean that one doesn’t consider other people’s feelings. If two people wanna hook up, what’s the harm? And why would that mean that they “objectify” each other?
And what does individualism have to do with “objectifying” other people anyway?
The act of hooking up reduces other people to sex objects to satisfy’s one needs. One is not trying to make a connection with other humans by hooking up or trying to make a community by hooking up. One is only trying to get rid of sexual urges and seeing other individuals as a medium for that. As another comment mentioned that is atomization and individualistic.
Well, a long time relationship serves to satisfy one’s need for companionship, a hook up satisfies one’s need for sex. Both are mutually beneficial agreements between consenting parties (which btw do nothing for society as a whole, so I don’t see why relationships would be any less individualistic than hookups).
Recognizing other people can satisfy our needs is not “objectifying” them, as long as we consider their needs as well. “Objectifying” others would be to disregard their needs and to view them only as means to your own needs.
I think your view of hookups is weird. Why would a hookup mean that I regard my partner as any less of a human than if we were to go into a relationship? You are trying to make a connection when hooking up. Its just that this connection is a mostly physical one, rather than emotional.
And honestly I don’t understand what you mean with “trying to make a community”. When I go into a relationship I’m not trying to do that either, and I don’t see why monogamous relationships would be required for communities. Bonobos, some of the most social animals with extremely strong communities have no concept of monogamy, they have sex with different partners all the time. Why would hookups not allow for strong communities?
a long time relationship serves to satisfy one’s need for companionship
This is very reductive. A long-term relationship is not just that, at least a non-toxic one. Long-term relationships require making sacrifices for the other person and thinking of another individual’s needs outside your own.
a hook up satisfies one’s need for sex.
Yes, that is all it is. It is the individualistic act of using another person to get a physical release from them. I would say that is more of a desire for sex rather than a need for sex. People dont die of lack of sex.
Both are mutually beneficial agreements between consenting parties
I dont see how the alienation of bonds between humans and the reduction of other individuals to be a physical release is beneficial for anyone. If anything saying that people benefit of such alienation and lack commitment is individualistic, and saying that they consented to that when capitalism doesn’t give many people other options to connect with other by privatizing all communal spaces, is a very liberal way of thinking.
Recognizing other people can satisfy our needs is not “objectifying” them, as long as we consider their needs as well.
Isn’t it though? As mentioned before hook ups are just a way to meet someone’s desire for sex. That is the only requirement for hookups. The prime directive is to meet that desire. Therefore, the other person is just a means to an end, an object to release that desire. Their humanity is pointless in that state. Their role is just to quench the sexual desire of another.
“Objectifying” others would be to disregard their needs and to view them only as means to your own needs.
But that is literally what a hookup is. Is a no strings attach means to an end where someone desires for sex gets met. It doesn’t matter what happens after or if someone might catch feelings for the other and gets hurt afterwards or if one person is doing as revenge sex for someone else or any reason that might cause hurt to any of the parties. It is an individualistic act where the other person becomes an object for sexual gratification of another without any of the sacrifices of commitment that would come from a relationship with such individual.
I think your view of hookups is weird.
Whatever you say bro
Why would a hookup mean that I regard my partner as any less of a human than if we were to go into a relationship?
Because the nature of hookup is just to use someone as a release for a desire without actually making a bond with that person; therefore that is a disregard for their humanity. Also, someone that someone hooks up is not a partner.
You are trying to make a connection when hooking up. Its just that this connection is a mostly physical one, rather than emotional.
That is not really a connection, but a way of release. Since we agreed that hookups are just a way to satisfy sexual desire, saying that doing this is a connection is like saying that paying an escort is also having a physical connection. It makes no sense.
And honestly I don’t understand what you mean with “trying to make a community”. When I go into a relationship I’m not trying to do that either, and I don’t see why monogamous relationships would be required for communities.
I am not talking about monogamy here, but of hook up culture. Relationships help build communities because it creates families that when join together creates communities. No communities are created around hookups since the nature of hookups are hit it and quit it. It is the antithesis of community.
Bonobos, some of the most social animals with extremely strong communities have no concept of monogamy, they have sex with different partners all the time. Why would hookups not allow for strong communities?
Again, hookup culture and monogamy are totally different things, you can be polyamorous and not do hookups. But, lol, bonobos, literally resolve everything through sex. That is all that they do. I don’t think that humans and bonobos equate because we have a legal system and want to achieve more things in life besides just having sex all the time lol.
Every time that a male bonobo gets rowdy, females will just have sex with him to call him down. I don’t think that is something that we should adopt in society. Males always expecting sex to not go rowdy 🤣.
Our closest relatives are chimpanzees and they are rapist psycho killers. I don’t think that we should use other animals to try to create a human society around. That is not dialectical.
Individualism perhaps, but not commodification because hookups don’t have commercial value.
I meant commodification in the sense of online dating apps, escort services, only fans, porn, prostitution and patriarchy. This trickles to the culture due to base and superstructure, and it is adopted by individualism.
Hookups that happen through apps and services are being commodified and the commodification of hookups is bad, but it’s not “hookup culture” that commodified hookups. It’s dating apps and services which are attempting to enclose the commons and turn hookups from just a human activity into a commodity.
But a hookup, as just something people do, is not itself just a commodity. Not yet. People still go out and meet other people for free.
Why do you feel like hooking up means not taking into consideration other people’s feelings or who might get hurt in the process?
Every time I’ve hooked up there was either a spoken or implicitly obvious unspoken understanding of the situation, e.g. the other person was in an open relationship
The mindset to hook up with as many people as possible just for the sake of bodycount could/would be toxic, but that’s rarely the situation, people just enjoy casual sex
The problems begin where communication ends (or expectations outgrow the communication, but that’s on the expectee)
The act of hooking up reduces other people to sex objects to satisfy’s one needs. One is not trying to make a connection with other humans by hooking up or trying to make a community by hooking up. One is only trying to get rid of sexual urges and seeing other individuals as a medium for that. As another comment mentioned that is atomization and individualistic.
It’s more closely related to atomization than individualism.
Pre-1950’s America was still very individualistic but they also had third spaces and more close knit communities. Without meaningful connection, those who are able to hookup achieve a facsimile of intimacy. Those who aren’t able to get that turn to escort services, onlyfans, and patriarchy etc etc. This compounds the problem until society breaks down.
Of course people do have casual sex for just fun just as they did throughout history. But the major shift towards that isn’t because people changed their minds suddenly.
The separating of humans into individual elements, or atoms, such that they’re disconnected from each other.
Basically, breaking the social bonds that once held human society together. A community is very strong, a group of individuals with no connection to each other is weak. What union-busting does to the workplace, atomization does to society at large. Individualism is tangential but not quite the same. Individualism is a sort of ideology that things should be this way. They should be self-reliant and depend on themselves etc etc. Atomization is the state being unable to form meaningful social relationships due to isolation.
Of course people do have casual sex for just fun just as they did throughout history. But the major shift towards that isn’t because people changed their minds suddenly.
What do you attribute the major shift towards hook-up culture?
Based on what you are saying the culprit seems to be capitalist’s culture of alienation and the privatization of everything including hanging out spaces, which have very expensive prices to do anything communal. The way I see it, social media is just the last thing people can do for free that involves other people. I wouldn’t say that social media is to blame, but capitalism is to blame.