>“no butler”
“Communists are evil! They took my servants from me!” :kiddo
this is dumb because Batman is already a technocratic finance imperialist like Bill Gates, and was already gay camp in the '90s. Fake fan zoomers don’t know anything about Batman
Man, chud beliefs are all over the place.
The real bleak future is that we’re still regularly making batmans thirty years from now
was already gay camp in the
Batman’s major villains are:
- A crippled foreigner
- A two-faced politician
- A woman who will rob you and bail
- A smug guy who asks you annoying questions
- An eco-terrorist
- A Mexican Wrestler on Drugs
- An Evil Clown who keeps getting let out of prison
The conservative wet dream. But they still can’t just take the W and be happy. They’ve got to keep whining about how Batman isn’t… straight enough? Jesus.
Penguin. He’s typically described as an Eastern European migrant with physical deformities that make him look/walk/act like his moniker.
Alllmost had me there until I got to, “Refers to women as ‘birthing persons’.”