Yes because moderate Biden is so popular and is implementing progressive policies after his big win.
Policies that are unpopular with 75% of the populace
So, the thing is, that’s backwards
Like, who can say? He doesn’t name a policy. He doesn’t establish a platform. He doesn’t appear with any supporters or do anything organizational. He doesn’t seem to do anything except post on TikTok about running for Congress.
Maybe he really does have a policy in mind that is unpopular in the districts but supported by Leftists. But none of us will ever know what that shit is, nor will it matter, while he’s running this clown campaign for office.
He doesn’t establish a platform. He doesn’t appear with any supporters or do anything organizational. He doesn’t seem to do anything except post on TikTok about running for Congress.
Democrats: omg it’s the perfect candidate :so-true:
But mainly, what I was responding to is him having invoked Bernie’s policies in general as unpopular, which is a tired dem move at this point. In general Bernie’s policies were pretty popular across most of the electorate
him having invoked Bernie’s policies in general as unpopular
Sure. But then he’s not running against “Bernie’s Policies”, he’s just running against the Bernie Brand Name.
In general Bernie’s policies were pretty popular across most of the electorate
So popular that they were cannibalized by the rest of the party as soon as he wasn’t an electoral threat. Of course, they never delivered on any of them. But that’s why we need big electoral Ws, right?
Still, I haven’t actually seen what this asshole is running on. All I know is that he’s not Lauren Bohbert and he’s not Bernie Sanders. Oh, and he’s gay, which is a selling point in a district full of homophobes for some reason.
No… No I don’t think I will.
Is this guy running for office or something?
several instances of the :maybe-later-kiddo: face being made here, lethal urges rising.