The Contessa
Algorithm and Blues
Romani Ite Domum
The Lasso of Balrdor
The Catcher in the Risa
Luck’s a Lady Tonight
Of Price and Pen
What is to be Done?
Kes and Tell
The Trolley Problem
On Acquisition
Double Neelix
Edit: changed the first one from Rigel to Risa – that’s a way better and sexier story opportunity
The Edenite Encounter
Fall From Grace
Who Mourns for Mudd?
A Touch of Q
The Melbourne
TOS - The Enterprise crew stumbles upon the rare element Edenite which causes the entire starship crew to re-enact the events of Genesis to please an alien that’s basically a God.
TNG Season 1- Worf comes across a Klingon probe from the battle of Khitomer that reveals cowardice in battle from Gowron’s house. For the good of the empire he destroys the evidence before the Duras family gets to it.
Lower Decks - Exactly what it says on the tin
Voyager - Q tempts Neelix with his powers like he did with Rikwr in that shitty episode. It’s also a shitty episode.
A pretty good DS9 Episode
Damn, these are all spot on. I didn’t think of 3 as a Lower Decks episode but it totally would be.
Except I think Q would actually try to tempt Kes into becoming a Q and also he’s hitting on her, and Neelix gets all jealous but convinces her not to take the offer. Fans spend twenty years pointing out that he doomed her to getting killed in The Gift in this one, and she only would have lived like 10 years even if she’d survived, which he knew at the time.
I can picture Who Mourns For Mudd being about how he was actually a super nice guy and every episode with him was a misunderstanding somehow
Cool hand Data
Tomorrow’s Yesterdays
Picturing it as TNG but any series would work. The crew runs afoul of a temporal anomaly that creates 2 ships, one leading up to the anomaly and one existing after but going back in time and both crews need to solve some kind of tech nonsense before they merge back together.
The Lyre Of Orpheus
Celebrant’s Lament
Timid Are The Faithful