This fucking “smart car” bullshit is legitimately so scary to me, every single thing about it sounds like such a fucking horribly bad idea, even just basic shit like moving all the features into one shitty screen so now your already most overworked sense is also having to look at a screen do to shit.
Just keep shit simple, stupid. Have all the levers and buttons spread out in nice memorizable places that you can find with your sense of touch, its fine, nothing needed to change about it.
I’ve been hearing PSAs against phone usage in the car for all my life but now suddenly your car is the phone you’re not supposed to be getting distracted by.
what you dont love turn signals 3 menus deep? you just hate us for our freedom
Trying to press the brake button but I keep accidentally pressing epic easter egg buttons that play 120 db wet fart noises and snippets of memes from 2007. I try to pull the hand brake and it snaps clean off.
All I can do is steer the car directly into a concrete wall so no one else has to pay for my sins.
tesla innovated a new way for their car to kill you and everyone around you!
Even in society not build around cars cars could be useful for people with disabilities and smart cars if done right could be more convenient for disabled people to operate.
Trolley problems are a thing of the past. Just do a programming error to create infinite trolleys. No tied up person shall survive!
And the best thing is. Only Tesla can get that data out for you. Oh oops they lost it.