I’ve read over 1,000 nonfiction books in my life, and these 33 are the most powerful of them all. I can honestly say they changed my life, who’s to say they won’t change yours too?
Don’t just take my word for it though. Read on for my summary of all 33 books and see for yourself how your next read might just change your life.
Anything, or anyone, that speaks positively of ‘Coddling of the American Mind’ should be approached with extreme scepticism.
An interesting resource for people looking to combat shit like this is the podcast ‘If Books Could Kill’.
I don’t nessecirily always agree with the hosts’ wider takes on things, but their reading of these types of books is pretty spot on.
The Innovator’s Dilemma
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Wow, this is life-changing, I knew it was poor people’s fault for being poor!
The Coddling of the American Mind
This new generation is turning into got-dang snowflakes!
20% of these look mildly interesting 20% I’m familiar with the point they appear to try to make, but am not at all interested in the book 60% are cringe, I second ‘if books could kill.’
Came here to post a link to the podcast.
These kinds of lists always make me laugh, because it takes a very specific world view and experience and assumes all must be like that. Atomic Habit I do agree partially on, but you know two books that have recently changed my life? Certainly not on the list here.
4,000 Weeks by Oliver Burkeman and The Little Book of Listening by Donna Duffey et. Al.
As someone who feels outside the domimate traits of society, Sensitive: The Hidden Power and The Power of Quiet are also books that changed my life in that I am embracing my own traits and talents, rather than struggle to adopt those more commonly sought after.
Check out this podcast: If Books Could Kill #ifBooksCouldKill https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/if-books-could-kill/4135025 via @PodcastAddict
I’ll leave this here for cross-referencing.